How to Mitigate the Crowdstrike EDR Agent Issue Causing BSOD on Windows Systems

In the world of cybersecurity, even the most reliable solutions can sometimes encounter issues. Recently, a significant problem arose with the Crowdstrike Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Agent for Windows. This issue caused Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors across multiple workstations and servers, leading to a widespread cyber blackout.

Understanding the Issue:

The problem relays from a specific file within the Crowdstrike EDR Agent for Windows. When this file is active on your system it may cause the system crash and it will leads to BSOD. The primary goal is to delete this problematic file, allowing the system to run without interruptions.

Mitigation Steps:

Follow these steps to resolve the issue and get your systems back online:

  1. Start Windows in Safe Mode:

   – Restart your computer.

  – As it starts, press the F8 key (or Shift+F8 for some versions) repeatedly until the Advanced Boot Options menu appears.

   – Navigate with the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode” and press Enter key to continue.

  1. Navigate to the CrowdStrike Directory:

   – Once you are into Safe Mode, open File Explorer.

   – Navigate to the directory: `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike`.

  1. Delete the Problematic File:

   – In the CrowdStrike directory, locate the file named `C-00000291*.sys`. You can use the search function within the folder if needed.

   – Right-click on the file and select “Delete.” Confirm the deletion when prompted on the screen.

  1. Restart the Computer Normally:

   – Close all the opened files, windows and restart the computer.

   – Allow the computer to start normally (without Safe Mode).

Additional Notes:

– Ensure that all affected workstations and servers follow these steps.

– It may be helpful to provide remote support or detailed step-by-step guides for users who are not familiar with these processes.

– After mitigation, monitor the systems closely for any further issues and ensure that all security measures are still in place.



Cybersecurity incidents can be disruptive, but with a clear action plan, they can be mitigated effectively. By following these steps, you can resolve the BSOD issue caused by the Crowdstrike EDR Agent and restore stability to your Windows systems. Remember, staying proactive and prepared is key to minimising the impact of such incidents in the future.

Greybox vs. Blackbox Penetration Testing: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to ensuring the security of your systems, choosing the right type of penetration testing is crucial. Two common methods are Greybox Penetration Testing and Blackbox Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT). Both have their own advantages, and understanding the differences can help you make the best choice for your needs.

Greybox Penetration Testing

Greybox penetration testing is a method where the tester has some knowledge about the system’s internal workings, like documentation or partial access.


  1. Efficient Testing:
    • Testers can focus on the most important parts of the system, making the process faster and more effective.
  2. Balanced Approach:
    • Combines the benefits of knowing the system (like whitebox testing) with the perspective of an outsider (like blackbox testing).
  3. Thorough Coverage:
    • Provides a deeper understanding of potential vulnerabilities without being completely blind to the system’s structure.

Best For:

  • Complex Systems: Where internal knowledge helps in identifying hidden issues.
  • Internal Applications: That need both an insider’s perspective and an external threat assessment.
  • Quick Assessments: When you need detailed results quickly.

Blackbox VAPT

What It Is: Blackbox VAPT is when the tester has no prior knowledge of the system. They test it just like a real attacker would, using publicly available information and tools.


  1. Realistic Attack Simulation:
    • Mimics how an external hacker would approach your system, providing a true test of your defenses.
  2. Unbiased Testing:
    • Testers have no preconceived notions, ensuring an impartial evaluation of your security.
  3. Cost-Effective:
    • Typically requires fewer resources than more in-depth methods, making it a good choice for many businesses.

Best For:

  • Public-Facing Systems: Like websites and APIs that need to be secure against external threats.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Often required for meeting certain security standards.
  • Initial Security Checks: To get a baseline understanding of your security posture.

Which One Should You Choose?

The choice between greybox and blackbox testing depends on your specific needs:

  1. Your Goal:
    • If you want to see how an external attacker might breach your system, go with blackbox.
    • If you need a detailed look at both internal and external vulnerabilities, greybox is better.
  2. Resources Available:
    • Greybox testing might need more preparation and internal knowledge sharing.
    • Blackbox testing can be quicker and less resource-intensive.
  3. System Complexity:
    • Use greybox for complex systems where knowing some internal details can help find deeper issues.
    • Use blackbox for simpler, public-facing systems that need a straightforward security check.


Both greybox and blackbox penetration testing are important for securing your systems. By understanding their strengths, you can choose the right method to protect your digital assets. For businesses in the UAE, working with a specialized penetration testing company like RedTeam Cybersecurity Labs can provide the expertise needed to ensure robust security.

By choosing the right approach and leveraging professional services, you can safeguard your systems against potential cyber threats and enhance your overall security posture.

For more information, please contact us:

UAE Office: Phone: +971-505421994 

India Office: Phone: +91-9778403685

Email : [email protected]

Managing Regulatory Compliance inside the Context of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity for personal and organizational data is essential in the emerging digital era. In response to this requirement, network penetration testing services in Indian governments and regulatory companies around the globe have enacted strict data protection laws to protect humans’ right to privacy and maintain groups accountable for information breaches and unsuitable records processing. We’ll talk about the value of regulatory compliance in Cyber Security Companies and offer recommendations on coping with the complex international statistics safety laws in this blog article. 

Cybersecurity in the Regulatory Compliance Landscape

Numerous policies govern the managing, processing, and garage of facts throughout diverse industries and jurisdictions. Some of the most first-rate guidelines encompass:

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Enforced using the European Union, GDPR units stringent necessities for organizations managing the personal facts of EU citizens, which includes consent mechanisms, facts breach notification duties, and fines for non-compliance.
  1. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): California’s landmark privacy regulation offers customers greater manipulation over their data, requiring businesses to disclose information series practices, honor purchaser requests to decide out of data sharing, and put in force affordable security measures.
  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA regulates the handling of protected health records (PHI) using healthcare companies, insurers, and their commercial enterprise friends, mandating safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI.
  1. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): PCI DSS establishes safety standards for companies that manage price card facts, aiming to prevent credit score card fraud and beautify price card facts protection.
The Importance of Compliance

Compliance with data safety guidelines in cybersecurity services is vital for several reasons:

  1. Legal Obligations: Non-compliance with regulatory necessities can bring about extreme consequences, along with fines, criminal action, and reputational harm. By adhering to policies, businesses mitigate the risk of regulatory enforcement actions and associated consequences.
  1. Protecting Customer Trust: Demonstrating compliance with records protection rules instills trust and confidence among customers, assuring them that their non-public records is dealt with responsibly and securely.
  1. Global Market Access: Compliance with policies inclusive of GDPR allows groups to conduct business the world over by ensuring adherence to records protection standards required for move-border facts transfers.
  1. Risk Mitigation: Compliance frameworks offer a structured method to assessing and mitigating cybersecurity dangers, supporting organizations to perceived vulnerabilities and putting in force powerful safety controls to guard in opposition to records breaches and cyber threats.
Managing Compliance Challenges

Achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance of RedTeam assessment services in UAE  can be challenging because of the following factors:

  1. Complexity and Scope: Regulatory necessities are often complex and subject to interpretation, making compliance efforts in-depth and time-consuming.
  1. Evolution of Regulations: Data safety guidelines evolve over the years in response to rising threats and technological improvements, requiring organizations to stay informed and adapt their compliance strategies for that reason.
  1. Cross-Border Considerations: Organizations operating globally need to navigate the complexities of compliance with a couple of regulatory frameworks, each with its own set of requirements and standards.
  1. Resource Constraints: Small and mid-sized organizations might also lack the assets and information essential to put in force comprehensive compliance applications, posing challenges in assembly regulatory duties successfully.

Managing regulatory compliance inside the RedTeam assessment services in UAE requires a proactive and strategic technique. Organizations must stay abreast of evolving regulatory necessities, investigate their cybersecurity posture against compliance requirements, and put in force robust safety controls to guard statistics and mitigate risks. By prioritizing compliance, organizations can build consideration with customers, mitigate felony and economic liabilities, and demonstrate a commitment to defensive individuals’ privacy rights in a more and more digitized international. With careful plans and investment in Application Security Assessment Kerala, corporations can navigate the regulatory landscape with self-assurance and ensure the integrity and security of their facts belongings.

The Financial Impact of a Ransomware Attack: Unmasking the Hidden Price Tags of Ransomware Attacks

Since ransomware attacks have increased recently, it is critical for both individuals and businesses to be aware of the possible financial consequences.

To emphasize the gravity of the matter, let us scrutinize a recent event. On September 11, 2023, MGM Resorts International experienced a formidable ransomware attack. The adversaries behind this attack demanded an exorbitant sum, reportedly seeking a ransom payment of $30 million Source: ( It’s worth noting that MGM Resorts reportedly refused to pay the attackers’ ransom demand (Source Consequently, MGM lost $100 million in earnings. MGM also incurred less than $10 million in one-time costs for risk mitigation, legal fees, third-party advising, and incident response. Source: (

Now, it is imperative to recognize that MGM Resorts International is not alone in facing such audacious ransom demands. Across industries, from healthcare to finance, from education to government institutions, ransomware attacks continue to proliferate, casting a long, dark shadow on financial stability.

Why Is This Important?

Let us first discuss why you should be concerned about ransomware attacks before getting into the specifics. Sensitive data is being created, stored, and shared at a never-before-seen rate as the digital world gets more and more ingrained in our everyday lives. Attackers using ransomware are aware of this, and they are not slowing down.

What exactly is in risk? Let us examine it:

1. Payment of Ransom

This represents the direct cash loss. Attackers demand a certain amount of money in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the event of a ransomware attack. Regaining access to your data can often be accomplished most quickly by paying the ransom. However, note that complying does not imply that data will be recovered.

2. Costs of Data Recovery

Investing in data recovery is necessary regardless of whether you choose to pay the ransom. This could involve upgrading your security systems, employing cybersecurity specialists, and doing forensics analysis. There is an expenditure for these services.

3. Downtime Expenses

Operational outages may result from ransomware assaults. Your company can come to a complete stop, costing you money in lost sales, disrupting services, and requiring extra pay for employees who are trying to fix the problem.

4. Reputational Damage

A damaged reputation is an ongoing financial burden. It can be costly and time-consuming to rebuild trust. Efforts in public relations and marketing to restore your reputation increase the expense.

5. Regulatory and Legal Expenses

Regulators and the law frequently take action in response to data breaches. Costs associated with compliance, legal fees, and fines and penalties can be high.

6. Compensation to Customers

In the event that client data is compromised, you may be required to reimburse impacted parties. Legal settlements, identity theft protection, and credit monitoring services can soon mount up.

7. Cybersecurity Insurance Premiums

Following a ransomware attack, insurance rates typically increase, which could raise your recurring expenses.

8.Lost Opportunities

Attacks using ransomware can take funds away from initiatives aimed at innovation and expansion, which can lead to lost chances and income.

9. Network Remediation Costs

After an attack, clearing your network, fixing vulnerabilities, and enhancing security can be costly tasks.

10. Disruption in Supply Chain

Production and delivery may be halted if your supply chain partners are impacted by ransomware, which might result in monetary losses and harm to your brand.

11. Loss of intellectual property

Losing confidential data can be disastrous for certain businesses, costing them market share and a competitive edge.

12. Costs of Business Continuity

Although they might be expensive to implement and maintain, business continuity and disaster recovery strategies are essential for reducing losses.

How to Protect Your Finances

After talking about the possible financial consequences of a ransomware attack, the issue is: What steps can you take to protect yourself? Here are a few crucial actions:

  1. Invest in Robust Cybersecurity: Make a significant investment in robust cybersecurity by giving it first priority. To safeguard your network, data, and systems, work with experts.
  2. Backup Your Data: Make sure you periodically create and test safe backups of your data.
  3. Train Your Staff: Provide cybersecurity best practices training to your staff to lower the likelihood of attacks
  4. Prepare for the Worst: If the worst occurs, create an incident response plan and a business continuity plan.
  5. Examine Cybersecurity Insurance: To reduce potential financial damages, consider cybersecurity insurance.

Always keep in mind that the best protection against ransomware attacks is prevention. We at Red Team Cybersecurity want to keep your information, your money, and your peace of mind safe. Contact us right away, and let us begin constructing a better, more secure digital future before it is too late.

Stay safe and secure, and keep checking back for additional advice from Red Team Cybersecurity’s experts!

Pen Testing vs. Bug Bounty: Key Differences Unveiled

Pen Testing vs. Bug Bounty: Key Differences Unveiled


In the realm of digital security, businesses often employ two distinct yet crucial methods for safeguarding their digital assets: penetration testing (pen testing) and bug bounty programs. While both share the common goal of identifying vulnerabilities, they diverge significantly in terms of approach, scope, and engagement. In this blog, we will delve into the world of pen testing vs. bug bounty programs, exploring their methodologies, scopes, and suitability for your organization’s needs.

What is PenTesting?


Pentesting serves as a systematic approach to assess a business’s digital infrastructure for potential vulnerabilities. It entails emulating real-world attacks on a business’s network, applications, and IT systems, with the aim of pinpointing weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. The primary objective of pen testing is to empower businesses to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before they become targets for exploitation. This multifaceted methodology encompasses various forms, such as network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, and mobile application penetration testing. A pen testing team typically comprises cybersecurity professionals who leverage automated tools and manual testing techniques to uncover vulnerabilities.

What is Bug Bounty?

Bug bounty programs provide an alternative strategy for identifying vulnerabilities within a business’s digital infrastructure. Under these programs, businesses offer rewards to individuals or groups who discover vulnerabilities in their systems and responsibly report them. Bug bounty initiatives incentivize ethical hackers to hunt for vulnerabilities within a business’s systems, encouraging them to report these flaws rather than exploiting them for personal gain. The popularity of bug bounty programs has surged in recent years, with multinational corporations extending rewards for uncovering system vulnerabilities. Businesses have the flexibility to administer bug bounty programs either privately or publicly, and they can tailor rewards to specific vulnerabilities.

Differences: Pen Testing Vs. Bug Bounty

Penetration testing (pen testing) and bug bounty programs serve as two distinct approaches to identifying vulnerabilities in a business’s digital infrastructure. Although both aim to bolster security, they diverge in methodology, scope, and cost.

Methodology: Pen Testing Vs. Bug Bounty

Pen Testing:

Pen testing adheres to a structured, predefined methodology. Skilled security professionals execute controlled assessments encompassing activities such as information gathering, vulnerability scanning, and exploitation. The primary objective is to comprehensively unearth vulnerabilities and furnish actionable recommendations.

Bug Bounty:

Bug bounty programs adopt a decentralized approach, relying on external researchers or ethical hackers to autonomously seek out vulnerabilities. Researchers employ their own methods, tools, and techniques to unearth vulnerabilities within the defined scope. Organizations review submitted reports, validate their authenticity, and compensate researchers accordingly.

Scope: Pen Testing Vs. Bug Bounty


Pentesting typically concentrates on specific systems, networks, or applications that are predetermined in advance. The scope is precisely defined, providing access exclusively to the systems included in the engagement. This targeted approach facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of the security landscape.

Bug Bounty:


Bug bounty programs offer a broader scope, permitting participating individuals or groups to assess any system or application owned or operated by the business. The scope extends to encompass a wider range of digital assets, fostering a more extensive examination.


Penetration testing, characterized by its structured and predefined methodology, offers a systematic evaluation of specific systems, networks, or applications. Skilled security professionals lead controlled assessments to comprehensively uncover vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations. This targeted approach is ideal for businesses seeking a methodical and in-depth security assessment.

On the other hand, bug bounty programs embrace a decentralized and versatile approach, enlisting the assistance of external researchers and ethical hackers. This method encourages independent vulnerability discovery across a broader scope, encompassing a wide array of digital assets. Bug bounty programs leverage the collective expertise of a diverse pool of researchers, offering the potential for unique perspectives on security challenges.

Understanding Write Blockers Securing Digital Evidence


In the world of digital forensics and data preservation, there exists a vital tool that plays a pivotal part in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of digital evidence: the write blocker. Write blockers are essential devices used to prevent any data alteration on a storage device while it’s being examined or imaged. In this blog post, we will claw into the world of write blockers, exploring what they are, why they’re essential, and how they contribute to the field of digital forensics.

What Are Write Blockers?

A write blocker, also known as a write- protect device or forensic bridge, is a hardware or software tool designed to prevent any write( or modification) commands from being sent to a storage device similar to a hard drive, solid- state drive, or USB drive. Its primary purpose is to protect the original data on the storage device during forensic analysis.

Write blockers come in colourful forms, including:

Hardware Write Blockers: These are standalone devices that physically connect to the suspect storage device, intercepting and blocking any write commands. Hardware write blockers are largely dependable and trusted in digital forensics.

Software Write Blockers: Software- based write blockers are applications or drivers that run on the forensic analyst’s computer. They produce a virtual barrier between the storage device and the operating system, preventing write operations.

Why Are Write Blockers Essential?

Data Integrity: The foremost reason for using write blockers is to maintain the integrity of digital evidence. By preventing any write commands from reaching the storage device, write blockers ensure that the original data remains untouched during the examination process.

Legal Admissibility: Write blockers are pivotal for ensuring that the data acquired during a forensic investigation is permissible in court. Without write blockers, the defense could argue that the evidence may have been tampered with, making it inadmissible.

Chain of Custody: Write blockers help maintain a clear chain of custody for digital evidence. When evidence is properly handled using these tools, it becomes easier to prove that it has not been tampered with or altered during the investigation.

Compliance: In numerous cases, law enforcement agencies and organizations dealing with sensitive data are required to adhere to strict compliance standards. Write blockers help them meet these standards by ensuring data integrity and security.

How Write Blockers Work

Write blockers operate by intercepting write commands that the computer or operating system sends to the storage device. They work at the hardware or software position to prevent any data from being written to the device. Then is a introductory overview of how hardware write blockers function

Connection: The forensic analyst connects the suspect storage device to the write blocker using applicable cables and connectors.

Command Interception: When the computer or operating system attempts to write data to the storage device, the write blocker intercepts these commands.

Blocking Writes: The write blocker effectively blocks any write or modify commands while allowing read commands to pass through. As a result, the data on the storage device remains unchanged.

Data Acquisition: The forensic analyst can also use forensic software to produce a forensically sound image or copy of the data on the storage device. This image can be analyzed without threat to the original data.


Write blockers are necessary tools in the field of digital forensics. They serve as the first line of defense in preserving the integrity and authenticity of digital evidence. By preventing any alterations to the data, write blockers ensure that the evidence collected during an investigation stands up to legal scrutiny and maintains a solid chain of custody. In a world where digital evidence plays an increasingly significant role, write blockers are essential for safeguarding the truth and upholding the principles of justice.

Defending Against Infection Monkey Ransomware

Defending Against Infection Monkey Ransomware: A Cybersecurity Survival Guide


In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats continue to evolve, organizations must be proactive in safeguarding their sensitive data and infrastructure. One such threat that has become particularly prevalent is Infection Monkey Ransomware. This malicious software can infiltrate a network, encrypt vital data, and hold it hostage until a ransom is paid. To help you stay one step ahead of this menacing threat, we have compiled a comprehensive cybersecurity survival guide. By implementing these strategies, you can fortify your defenses and ensure your organization remains secure.

Understanding Infection Monkey Ransomware

Infection Monkey Ransomware, also known as Ryuk ransomware, is a sophisticated type of malware designed to exploit vulnerabilities in network security. It typically enters a system through phishing emails, malicious attachments, or compromised websites. Once inside, it employs a combination of encryption algorithms to encrypt critical files, rendering them inaccessible to users. The attackers will then demand a ransom in exchange for the decryption key, holding the victim’s data hostage.

Recognizing the Signs

To effectively defend against Infection Monkey Ransomware, it is crucial to be able to recognize the signs of a potential infection. Some indicators include:

 – Unusual network behaviour, such as increased traffic or slowed performance

– Unexpected system restarts or shutdowns

– File extensions changed to unknown or encrypted formats

– Ransom notes appearing on the affected devices

Spotting these signs early on can help you take immediate action and mitigate the potential damage.

Strengthening Network Security

Preventing Infection Monkey Ransomware from infiltrating your network requires robust security measures. Consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Regularly update software and operating systems to patch any known vulnerabilities.
  • Utilize strong and unique passwords for all accounts, regularly changing them.
  • Utilize multi-factor verification at whatever point conceivable to include an additional layer of security.
  • Employ a reliable firewall and intrusion detection system to monitor network traffic and identify any suspicious activities.
  • Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address any weaknesses in your system.
  • Educate employees about safe browsing practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and the importance of not clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown attachments.

Backing Up Your Data

As a proactive measure against Infection Monkey Ransomware, regularly backing up your data is essential. By maintaining secure and up-to-date backups, you can significantly reduce the impact of a potential attack. Here are some best practices for data backup:

  • Store backups offline or in a separate network segment to ensure they are not vulnerable to ransomware attacks.

  • Regularly test backups to verify their integrity and restoration capabilities.

  • Implement a robust backup rotation policy, ensuring multiple versions of critical files are available.
  • Consider utilizing cloud-based backup solutions for added redundancy and availability.

Incident Response Planning

Preparing for a potential Infection Monkey Ransomware attack is critical to minimizing its impact. Develop an incident response plan that includes the following:

  • Establish clear communication channels and points of contact during a security incident.

  • Define roles and responsibilities for each team member involved in the response process.

  • Conduct regular tabletop exercises to simulate various attack scenarios and test the effectiveness of your response plan.

  • Identify trusted cybersecurity incident response partners and establish relationships in advance.

Conclusion: Staying One Step Ahead of Infection Monkey Ransomware

In the face of evolving cyber threats like Infection Monkey Ransomware, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity and stay one step ahead. By understanding the nature of this ransomware, recognizing the signs of infection, strengthening network security, regularly backing up data, and implementing a robust incident response plan, you can effectively defend against this malicious threat. Remember, staying proactive is key to ensuring your organization’s data and infrastructure remain secure in an increasingly interconnected digital world.

The Art of EDR Bypassing: Secrets to Success with Hooking and Unhooking


In the world of cybersecurity, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technology is used to detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents. EDR is a critical element in any organization’s cybersecurity posture as it can help detect and prevent malicious activity from occurring. However, for security researchers and hackers, EDR can pose a significant challenge. The purpose of this article is to explore the techniques, tools, and best practices for bypassing EDR using hooking and unhooking methods.

Understanding Hooking and Unhooking

Definition of Hooking and Unhooking

Hooking is a technique used to modify the behaviour of an operating system or an application by intercepting function calls or messages passed between software components. Unhooking is the process of removing the hooks inserted into the operating system or the application to restore their original behaviour.

Types of Hooks

There are two types of hooks: static and dynamic. Static hooks are defined at compile time and are part of the code itself. Dynamic hooks are inserted into the code at runtime and can be added or removed dynamically.

Difference between Static and Dynamic Hooking

Static hooking requires access to the source code, and changes made to the code need to be recompiled. Dynamic hooking, on the other hand, can be performed without access to the source code, and the hooks can be added or removed at runtime.

Hook Detection Techniques

Hook detection techniques involve monitoring the system for suspicious behavior. It can be difficult to detect hooks as they can be inserted at various points in the system without being noticed. Common techniques for detecting hooks include memory analysis and reverse engineering.

Challenges in EDR Bypassing

EDR is designed to detect malicious behaviour, including hooking. Therefore, the primary challenge in EDR bypassing is to avoid detection. EDR has sophisticated detection mechanisms that can detect the presence of hooks in the system.

Techniques for detecting hooks

Techniques for detecting hooks can include memory analysis and reverse engineering.

Why hook detection is challenging for EDR

EDR has a variety of built-in techniques to detect the presence of hooks in the system.

Art of EDR Bypassing

Anti-Hooking Techniques

Importance of anti-hooking measures

Anti-hooking measures are designed to protect applications from being modified by hooks and to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in the system.

Techniques for avoiding hooks

Techniques for avoiding hooks can include the use of code obfuscation and the implementation of anti-hooking measures.

Limitations of anti-hooking measures

While anti-hooking measures can be effective, they have limitations. Attackers can modify the system in a way that can bypass these measures, and attackers can use evasion techniques to avoid detection

Evasion Techniques

Types of Evasion Techniques

Evasion techniques involve modifying or disguising the malicious code so that it avoids detection by EDR. Common techniques for evasion include using code masking techniques, exploiting vulnerabilities in the system, and using rootkits.

Using code masking techniques to bypass hooks

Code masking techniques involve modifying the code to hide the malicious activity. Techniques for code masking can include polymorphism and metamorphism.

Importance of code obfuscation

Code obfuscation is a technique used to make the code less readable and understandable to humans but still maintain its functionality. Code obfuscation can make it more difficult for the code to be detected by EDR.

Bypassing EDR in Practice

Planning for EDR Bypassing

Effective EDR bypassing requires careful planning. It is essential to understand the system being targeted, the detection mechanisms in place, and the techniques that will be used to bypass those mechanisms.

Practical steps in bypassing EDR

Practical steps in bypassing EDR can include identifying the vulnerabilities in the system, selecting the appropriate tools, and testing the bypass techniques.

Challenges to overcome during EDR Bypassing

Challenges that must be overcome during EDR bypassing include modifying the code without being detected, evading detection by the EDR system, and covering tracks after the attack is complete.

Case Studies

Real-life examples of successful EDR Bypassing

Real-life case studies can help illustrate the effectiveness of the techniques and tools used in EDR bypassing.

Overview of EDR Bypass tools used

Tools commonly used in EDR bypassing can include Metasploit, Cobalt Strike, Mimikatz, and various other open-source tools.

Lessons learned from case studies

Lessons learned from case studies can help security researchers and hackers improve their techniques for EDR bypassing.

Post Exploitation

Importance of post-exploitation actions

Post-exploitation actions involve covering tracks and maintaining access to the system. These actions are critical for maintaining long-term access to the system.

Techniques for covering tracks after bypassing EDR

Techniques for covering tracks can include deleting logs, clearing event logs, and modifying timestamps.

Limitations of post-exploitation actions

While post-exploitation actions can be effective, there are limitations. Detecting the attack is still possible, and forensic analysis can uncover evidence of the attack.

Tools and Techniques for EDR Bypassing

Overview of EDR Bypass tools

Tools commonly used in EDR bypassing can include Metasploit, Cobalt Strike, Mimikatz, and various other open-source tools.

Importance of choosing the right tool for the right job

Choosing the right tool for the right job is essential for successful EDR bypassing.

Techniques for improving the effectiveness of EDR Bypassing

Techniques for improving the effectiveness of EDR Bypassing can include using code obfuscation, evading detection, and using anti-hooking measures.

Best Practices for EDR Bypassing

Importance of following best practices

Following best practices can help ensure that EDR bypassing is done in a safe and effective way.

Frequently used best practices for EDR Bypass

Frequently used best practices include using a testing environment, minimizing the system’s exposure, and implementing anti-hooking measures.

Importance of continuous improvement

Continuously improving EDR bypassing techniques is essential as new vulnerabilities are discovered, and new detection mechanisms are developed.

Common Misconceptions about EDR Bypassing

Debunking Myths about EDR Bypassing

EDR bypassing can be shrouded in misconceptions, which can lead to ineffective techniques and unsuccessful attacks.

Common misconceptions about EDR Bypassing

Common misconceptions about EDR bypassing include that it is easy to do and that there are no consequences for unethical practices.

Explanation of the truth behind the myths

The truth is that EDR bypassing can be challenging, and there can be severe consequences if done unethically.

Ethical Considerations

Importance of Ethical considerations

Ethical considerations are critical for ensuring that EDR bypassing is done in a responsible and legal manner.

Ethics related to EDR Bypassing

Ethical considerations related to EDR bypassing include avoiding affecting innocent parties, maintaining confidentiality, and avoiding causing harm to the system.

Consequences of unethical practices

Unethical EDR bypassing practices can lead to legal consequences, loss of reputation, and damage to the security industry.

Legal Considerations

Importance of Legal Aspects

Legal considerations are important for ensuring that EDR bypassing is done within the legal framework.

Legal considerations for EDR Bypassing

Legal considerations for EDR bypassing include understanding the legal limitations, ensuring that all legal requirements are met, and avoiding causing harm to the system or others.

Consequences of violating legal framework

Violating the legal framework for EDR bypassing can lead to severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and damage to the security industry.


In conclusion, EDR bypassing is a critical technique for security researchers and hackers. Successful EDR bypassing requires an understanding of hooking and unhooking, anti-hooking measures, evasion techniques, and the legal and ethical considerations of the activity. By following best practices and continuously improving techniques, security researchers and hackers can bypass EDR with confidence, at the same time, ensuring they avoid harming innocent parties or violating the law.

Honeypot in Cybersecurity

What Is a Honeypot in Cybersecurity?

Honeypots, a highly advantageous technique, empower IT teams to effectively counter and outsmart potential of Hackers. A honeypot involves simulating an IT system or software application, designed as enticing bait to lure the focus of attackers. Despite presenting itself as a genuine target, the honeypot is, in reality, counterfeit, meticulously supervised by the IT security team. Derived from the notion that this ruse acts as a “sweet” trap for attackers, the term “honeypot” harks back to the age-old adage “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

Purpose of a Honeypot in Cybersecurity

In cybersecurity, honeypots serve multiple purposes:

  • Distraction: Honeypots act as a strategic diversion for attackers, consuming their time and efforts that could otherwise be directed at actual targets. The attention drawn to honeypots reduces the resources attackers allocate to real attacks.

  • Threat Intelligence: By duping malicious actors into engaging with honeypots, organizations gain insights into their attack techniques and tools. Monitoring attacker behavior within honeypots enhances IT teams’ comprehension of these attacks, aiding in effective defense strategies.

  • Research and Training: Honeypots provide a controlled environment for IT professionals and students to conduct research and training activities. Serving as a secure arena, honeypots facilitate observation and analysis of diverse cyberattack types.

What Are the Different Types of Honeypots?

Honeypots come in various forms and sizes, tailored to the specific attack types of interest to IT teams. Here are a few essential honeypot types to familiarize yourself with:

  • Email Traps: An email trap serves as a honeypot aimed at gathering spam and malicious emails. IT teams establish a fictitious, publicly accessible email address that exposes cybercriminals. Messages directed to this address can be promptly marked as potential spam or harmful content.
  • Decoy Databases: Decoy databases function as honeypots that present counterfeit data to attackers, enticing and confusing them during an attack. While the contents of such a database may resemble genuine information, they are essentially useless or potentially damaging to the intruder. This diversion keeps attackers from uncovering genuine, valuable data.
  • Malware Honeypots: A malware honeypot is a specialized decoy designed to ensnare malicious software by simulating a vulnerable system or network, like a web server. This honeypot intentionally incorporates security vulnerabilities that attract malware attacks. The collected malware can be analyzed by IT teams to comprehend its actions and trace its source.
  • Spider Honeypots: Spider honeypots are devised for software that explores the web, often referred to as “spiders.” IT professionals create fabricated websites or pages susceptible to internet-based assaults like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). These vulnerabilities attract malevolent automated programs that scour websites for weaknesses, searching for potential targets.
Honeypot in Cybersecurity

Security Interaction of Honeypots

  • High-Interaction Honeypots: These honeypots replicate fully operational systems, faithfully imitating authentic IT devices or applications. As the name suggests, they allow attackers to engage with them as if they were genuine entities, affording complete privileges and access. While high-interaction honeypots yield extensive insights into attackers’ methods, they necessitate intricate setup and ongoing maintenance due to their complexity.
  • Low-Interaction Honeypots: Conversely, low-interaction honeypots emulate specific segments of IT environments, implementing only select applications or services. These honeypots grant attackers a restricted array of interactions. Consequently, low-interaction honeypots are simpler to create, demand fewer resources, yet offer a reduced level of realism and information.

Physical vs. Virtual Honeypots

  • Physical Honeypots: As the name implies, physical honeypots are tangible IT devices or systems linked to a network, each possessing its distinct IP address. While they offer enhanced realism, their usage is less prevalent due to the associated expenses.
  • Virtual Honeypots: Conversely, virtual honeypots emulate operating systems or applications within virtual machines. This approach facilitates rapid deployment and creation of new honeypots. However, it lacks the ability to capture attacks targeting physical vulnerabilities.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Honeypots


  • Early Detection of Attacks: Honeypots offer the advantage of promptly identifying novel or previously undiscovered cyberattacks, enabling rapid and efficient responses from IT security teams.
  • Wasted Time and Effort: Honeypots can divert attackers’ attention towards an imitation target, causing them to expend their time and efforts on a nonproductive pursuit, thereby mitigating real threats.


  • Attracting Excessive Attention: The revelation that attackers have been ensnared by a honeypot might lead them to retaliate by intensifying their assaults on the organization’s legitimate systems, potentially escalating the overall risk.
  • Resource-Intensive: Honeypots demand substantial resources and specialized knowledge for proper setup and maintenance, which could result in a relatively low return on investment compared to other cybersecurity measures.

Best Practices for Implementing Honeypots

Here are some best practices for implementing honeypots in cybersecurity:

  • Proper Configuration and Maintenance: Ensure honeypots are configured accurately and undergo consistent maintenance to retain their allure as targets for attackers.
  • Integration with Other Security Systems: Honeypots yield optimal results when seamlessly integrated into the broader spectrum of IT security tools and protocols.
  • Regular Monitoring: Maintain vigilant oversight of honeypots to promptly detect any ongoing attacks, enabling timely responses from the IT security team.

Applications of Honeypots in the Real-World

Below are several real-world scenarios showcasing the application of honeypots in cybersecurity:

Government and Military: Honeypots play a pivotal role in governmental and military contexts by diverting assailants away from high-value targets. These deceptive systems safeguard critical infrastructure like power grids and communication networks.

Financial Industry: Given their prominence as prime targets, financial institutions leverage honeypots effectively. These institutions utilize honeypots to uncover fraudulent financial activities and thwart endeavors to pilfer customer data.

Intellectual Property Protection: Enterprises seeking to safeguard their intellectual property (IP) employ honeypots to confound and confine potential attackers, thereby safeguarding valuable IP assets.

Don’t forget to check out our latest Blog – Sim Box Fraud

A Brief History Of Cybercrime

A Brief History of Cybercrime: From Telegraph Hacks to Ransomware- as-a-Service


Over the  once decade, cybercrime has evolved into a thriving industry, generating  stunning  gains and adopting sophisticated tactics. Still, the roots of cybercrime can be traced back not just decades, but centuries. In this blog, we embark on a fascinating  trip through time to explore the history of cybercrime, from its humble  onsets in the 19th century to the present day.

The Birth of Cybercrime:

The first recorded cyber attack took place in France in 1834, long before the internet was indeed conceived. Attackers sneaked the French telegraph system to steal fiscal market information, marking the dawn of cybercrime. From there, cybercriminals have continually improved their tactics to exploit technological advancements for vicious gain.

The Mid-20th Century: Cybercriminals Embrace Technology:

It was not until the mid-20th century, with the arrival of the digital revolution, that cybercrime gained traction. Beforehand adopters of technology, cybercriminals utilized their head start and intelligence to mastermind innovative methods of extracting data and money from individualities and organizations. Notable attackers emerged, capturing the attention of civil investigators and fellow hackers likewise.

1962: Allen Scherr's MIT Cyber Attack:

In 1962, Allen Scherr executed a cyber attack on the MIT computer networks, stealing passwords from their punch card database. This incident marked a significant milestone in the evolution of cybercrime, signifying the beginning of its ultramodern history.

1971: The Creeper Virus:

Bob Thomas created the first computer virus, known as the Creeper Virus, as a research trial. This self- replicating program spread through the ARPANET network, furnishing a glimpse into the implicit damage that unborn viruses could cause.

1981: Ian Murphy's AT&T Hack:

Ian Murphy became the first person condemned of cybercrime after hacking into AT&T’s internal systems and causing chaos by changing the computers’ clocks. This event highlighted the disruptive power of cyber attacks.

1988: The Morris Worm:

Robert Morris unleashed the Morris Worm, the first major cyber attack on the internet. It infected computer systems at prestigious institutions, demonstrating the vulnerability of interconnected networks.

The 1990s: New Technology Brings New Crime:

As the internet connected people worldwide, cybercrime grew in strength during the 1990s. The lack of original trust and safety controls paved the way for hackers to exploit arising technologies. This decade witnessed escalating rates of cybercrime, with attackers finding fresh openings to manipulate data and gain unauthorized access.

Notable Cyber Crimes of the 1990s:

  • Data stream Cowboy and Kuji’s attacks on the Air Force’s Rome Laboratory.
  • Vladimir Levin’s attempted bank robbery by hacking into Citibank’s network.
  • Kevin Mitnick’s infiltration of large networks by manipulating people and insiders.
  • Max Butler’s hacking of U.S. government websites and posterior lengthy sentences.
  • The Melissa Virus caused wide damages of around$ 80 million.

The New Millennium: Cybercrime Ramps Up:

The first decade of the new millennium brought indeed more sophisticated cyber attacks, with advanced patient threat actors patronized by nation- states. Cybersecurity became a pressing concern, particularly for government agencies and large corporations.

Notable Cyber Crimes of the 2000s:

  • ” Mafiaboy’s” distributed denial of service( DDoS) attacks on major marketable websites.
  • Security breach compromising 1.4 million HSBC Bank MasterCard users.
  • Heartland Payment Systems breach compromising data of 134 million users.

An Explosion of Cyber Attacks in the 2010s:

The once decade witnessed an unknown explosion of cybercrime, transforming it into a profitable industry. Trillions of dollars were lost as bushwhackers developed increasingly sophisticated programs and employed ransomware- as-a-service models, targeting organizations of all sizes.

Notable Cyber Crimes of the 2010s:

  • Operation Aurora targeting technology companies and intellectual property theft.
  • Sony PlayStation Network breach compromising particular information of 77 million users.
  • WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware attacks causing wide disruption.
  • Equifax data breach compromising particular information of 147 million people.

The Current Landscape: Challenges and the unborn:

As we enter the 2020s, cybercrime continues to evolve. bushwhackers exploit vulnerabilities in interconnected systems, compromising critical infrastructure and extorting organizations through ransomware attacks. Major incidents similar to the SolarWinds breach and the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack emphasize the ongoing threat posed by cybercriminals.

The future of cybercrime remains uncertain, but one thing is clear:

Cybersecurity professionals and law enforcement agencies must stay watchful and acclimatize to the ever- changing threat geography. Technological advancements, including machine learning and AI, are being employed by both defenders and bushwhackers, shaping the future of cyber warfare.


The history of cybercrime is a confirmation to human imagination and the nonstop evolution of criminal tactics in the digital age. From early telegraph hacks to the current era of ransomware- as-a-service, cybercriminals have shown remarkable adaptability and resilience. As we move forward, it’s crucial for individualities, organizations, and governments to prioritize cybersecurity, collaborate, and develop robust defense mechanisms to safeguard against the ever-present threat of cybercrime.

Don’t forget to check out our latest Blog – Sim Box Fraud

Danger of MOVEit Vulnerability Explained

Is Your Data Safe? The Danger of MOVEit Vulnerability Explained

Data security is a crucial element in today’s digital age, particularly regarding sensitive information. When it comes to secure file transfer, businesses rely on Moveit to transfer their files safely and securely. However, Moveit’s vulnerability could pose serious risks to the security of sensitive data. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Moveit, discussing what it is, how it works, and most importantly, the vulnerability it possesses. We’ll also provide insight into identifying and assessing who is at risk of being affected by Moveit, the consequences of a potential data breach, and preventing or mitigating any damage that might ensue.

What is MOVEit and How Does it Work?

Moveit is a managed file transfer (MFT) solution used to transfer files securely from one place to another. The software is a product of Ipswitch, Inc, and its primary objective is to transfer files securely while implementing various data security measures. Moveit employs industry-standard encryption protocols to prevent unauthorized access and preserve the confidentiality of sensitive data.
The software also includes different features that make file transfer effortless. For instance, users can automate transfers, schedule transfers in advance, embed secure links, and choose between on-premises, cloud or hybrid deployment options.

The MOVEit Vulnerability

Recently, researchers discovered that Moveit was vulnerable to attacks, whereby an attacker could execute malicious code remotely. The vulnerability was first spotted by Digital Defense, a cybersecurity company. Their analysis revealed that hackers could exploit Moveit’s vulnerability to compromise an organization’s entire network.
Moveit’s vulnerability arises from a flaw in the software’s access control mechanism, which, if exploited, could enable unauthorized access to the Moveit service. The attackers could execute any malicious code of their choice and compromise the entire network.

Who is Impacted?

Impacted entities include any business or industry that utilizes Moveit to transfer their data. This includes, but is not limited to, healthcare facilities, financial institutions, government entities, and law firms. These organizations usually transfer sensitive data across networks, which makes them more vulnerable to security breaches.
The types of information transferred also play an essential role in determining the degree of impact a potential breach could cause. Sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), proprietary intellectual property, and confidential health records, are of the utmost concern.

Impact of a Breach

In the event of a breach, the consequences could be detrimental to an organization’s bottom line or reputation. The costs of security breaches can be incredibly high, not only financially but also in terms of reputational risks.
Organizations may face regulatory penalties, costs incurred from hiring cybersecurity professionals to investigate and remediate the breach, legal fees, and potential lawsuits from affected individuals. Additionally, a data breach could result in brand damage and loss of customer trust.
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Preventative Measures

The first line of defense against Moveit vulnerabilities is to implement preventative measures. Here are some best practices to implement:

Regularly patch software and update all systems: Always keep-up-to-date with the latest software patches to prevent vulnerabilities. Regular software updates ensure that all systems are operating at the highest security level possible.

Use strong passwords: Strong passwords are crucial to enhancing security. Always ensure that passwords are complex, are at least eight characters long, and have alphanumeric combinations.

Utilize two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security. It requires the user to provide two forms of identity verification before granting access to the service.

Implement proper access controls: Limit access to users who need it and who have passed the necessary security clearances. All access to Moveit should be kept on a “need-to-know” basis.

Detection Measures

An essential aspect of protecting data from Moveit vulnerabilities is detecting breaches. Here are some tips on how to detect a Moveit vulnerability breach:

Monitor system alerts: Be vigilant in monitoring system alerts that indicate unusual activity. This will allow you to detect a potential breach and employ remedial measures quickly.

Analyze log files: Analyze log files to identify any unusual activity within the system or network. Regular log reviews can help detect security threats before they become serious.

Investigate anomalous network traffic patterns: Increase vigilance and investigate any anomalous network traffic that might indicate an attack or a security threat.

Mitigation Strategies

In the unfortunate instance of a Moveit vulnerability breach, implementing mitigation strategies will help minimize potential impact. Here are some strategies to consider:

Immediately disconnect from the network: If possible, immediately disconnect the system or network from the internet to prevent further infection by attackers.

Implement emergency access controls: Implement emergency access controls to identify and reset all potentially malicious user passwords.

Notify cybersecurity authorities: Report the event to authorized cybersecurity authorities, such as CISA, to obtain guidance and support on remediation measures.

Recovery of affected files: Backup all data and recover all affected files from the last clean backup. It is essential to remove all traces of the attacker’s control from the system or network.


Moveit is a critical tool for secure file transfer, but its vulnerability can cause severe damage to an organization. By being vigilant and implementing preventative, detection, and mitigation measures, businesses and other entities can reduce the impact of any security breach. Always ensure that software is up-to-date, implement strong passwords, and provide proper access controls. Be diligent in monitoring system activity and anomalous network activity patterns. And in the case of a breach, disconnect immediately from the network, employ emergency access controls and notify the proper authorities. With these best practices in place, your organization can be better prepared to face potential security threats.

Sharp Increase In Cyberattacks In Q1 2023

Report India witnesses sharp increase in cyberattacks in Q1 2023

Sharp Increase In Cyberattacks

According to the State of Application Security Report by Indusface, India has witnessed a significant  swell in the number of cyberattacks during the first quarter of 2023. Out of a billion attacks recorded overall, over 500 million cyberattacks were successfully blocked during Q1 2023.   

During the first quarter of 2023, cybersecurity  establishment CheckPoint Research observed a significant rise in cyberattacks in India. The data indicated that daily attacks in the country increased by 18, surpassing the global average increase of 7. On average, India encountered around 1,248 attacks per week. With a notable 16% increase, the Asia Pacific region endured the loftiest time- on- time  swell in cyberattacks, comprising around 1,835 attacks per week. This statistic highlights the growing  trouble  geography in the region and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to  cover associations from evolving cyber  pitfalls. These findings  punctuate the growing need for robust cybersecurity measures to combat the  raising  trouble  geography in the region.

Indusface’s  exploration revealed that the BFSI sector in India, particularly insurance, was the primary target of cyberattacks. Among Indian insurance websites,  roughly 11  educated attacks, significantly advanced than the global  normal of 4. Interestingly, the nature of these attacks differed from traditional distributed denial of service( DDoS) attacks or ransomware. rather, 99 of the attacks were vulnerability- grounded, with  inquiry attacks  exercising botnets being the most  current. This emphasizes the need for enhanced security measures to  alleviate the  pitfalls posed by  similar targeted vulnerability attacks in the BFSI sector.   

A concerning fact  surfaced during the period despite uncovering over 24,000 critical, medium, and high vulnerabilities, a significant 31 of these vulnerabilities had been left unaddressed for over 6 months.

According to Ashish Tandon, CEO of Indusface, it’s apparent that  bushwhackers have a lesser focus on  carrying tête-à-tête Identifiable Information( PII) from sectors  similar to BFSI. Still,  diligence like SaaS and manufacturing are primarily targeted by DDoS attacks, conceivably due to the challenge of  icing  operation vacuity. Tandon also emphasized that the affordability of  cipher power makes launching DDoS attacks significantly easier.   

According to the CheckPoint report, cybercriminals are decreasingly employing advanced tactics in their  juggernauts, including the weaponization of  licit tools. One notable  illustration is the application of ChatGPT, an AI model, to  induce  vicious  law for launching cyberattacks. This trend highlights the evolving nature of cyber  pitfalls and the need for robust security measures to combat them.   

Encyclopedically, the education and  exploration sector endured the loftiest number of attacks, with over 2,500 incidents per week. Following  nearly were the government and military sectors, which encountered over 1,700 attacks. Among specific  diligence, retail witnessed the most significant  swell in attacks, recording a 40 increase, while healthcare observed a 22 rise. These findings  emphasize the different range of sectors targeted by cybercriminals and emphasize the pressing need for enhanced cybersecurity measures across  diligence. 

Data  perceptivity from Indusface report   

  • In the first three months of 2023, over 500 million attacks were successfully blocked.
  • The banking and healthcare diligence endured the loftiest number of bot attacks.
  • Further than 50 of the attacks targeting the banking assiduity were baffled using custom rules.
  • The insurance assiduity was the primary target, facing 12 times further attacks compared to all other diligence.
  • On average, the insurance assiduity encountered 995,455 attacks per point, while the normal for all diligence was 83,264 attacks per point.

Global attack trends from CheckPoint Research report

  • In Q1 2023, global diurnal attacks witnessed a 7% increase compared to the same quarter last time, performing in a normal of 1,248 attacks per week for each association.
  • This rise in cyberattacks highlights the growing need for robust cybersecurity measures to guard businesses from evolving pitfalls.
  • In comparison to the matching period in 2022, during the first quarter of 2023, India witnessed an 18 increase in average daily attacks. Each association faced a normal of 2108 daily attacks per association, emphasizing the raising cyber trouble geography and the imperative for associations to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses.
  • APAC region endured the topmost YoY swell in diurnal attacks, with an normal of 1,835 attacks per association, marking a 16 increase
  • 1 out of every 31 associations worldwide endured a ransomware attack every week

Sim Box Fraud

Sim Boxing

A sim box, also known as a SIM bank or GSM gateway, is a device that can be used to bypass traditional phone networks and make cheap international calls using VoIP technology. However, sim boxing is illegal in many countries, and can result in significant financial penalties and legal consequences for those caught using them. In this blog post, we will explore sim box technology and the risks associated with it.

How does a sim box work?

Sim box works by taking advantage of the difference in cost between international calls made through traditional phone networks and VoIP technology.

A sim box has multiple SIM cards from different mobile network operators inserted into it. When a user makes an international call, the sim box selects the SIM card with the lowest international call rate and uses it to route the call through the internet to the intended destination.

To the recipient, the call appears to be coming from a local number, even though it is being routed through the sim box and the internet. This allows the sim box operator to avoid paying the high international call rates charged by traditional phone networks and instead pay the cheaper local rates for the country where the sim card is located.

In essence, a sim box acts as a bridge between traditional phone networks and VoIP technology, allowing users to make cheaper international calls. However, sim boxing is illegal in many countries because it can be used for fraudulent and criminal activities such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and drug trafficking.

Why is sim boxing illegal?

Sim boxing is illegal in many countries because it can be used for fraudulent and criminal activities such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and drug trafficking. Additionally, sim boxes can cause significant revenue losses for telecommunication companies by bypassing traditional phone networks and avoiding international call rates.

What are the risks of using a sim box?

The risks of using a sim box include legal consequences, financial penalties, and reputational damage. Some of the potential risks are:

Legal Consequences: Sim boxing is illegal in many countries, and those caught using a sim box can face severe legal consequences such as imprisonment, fines, and other legal sanctions. In some cases, the use of a sim box can be considered a criminal offense, and violators can be subject to criminal prosecution.

Financial Penalties: Sim boxing can result in significant financial penalties for individuals and companies caught using them. In addition to the fines imposed by regulators, violators may be required to pay compensation for the losses caused to telecom operators and other affected parties.

Reputational Damage: Companies found to be using sim boxes can suffer reputational damage and loss of business. The use of sim boxes can undermine the trust of customers, investors, and other stakeholders, leading to a loss of confidence in the company’s business practices.

Network Disruption: Sim boxes can cause network disruptions and reduce the quality of service offered by telecom operators. They can congest the network, leading to call drops, poor call quality, and other network-related issues.

Security Risks: Sim boxing can be used for criminal and fraudulent activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing. These activities can pose a security risk to individuals, companies, and national security.

How can sim boxing be detected?

Telecommunication companies use advanced technologies such as traffic analysis, call tracing, and radio frequency detection to identify sim boxing activity. They also collaborate with law enforcement agencies to monitor and investigate suspicious activity related to sim boxing.

How can companies protect themselves from sim boxing?

Companies can protect themselves from sim boxing by implementing strict internal policies and procedures, such as prohibiting the use of sim boxes and conducting regular audits to detect any unauthorized activity. They can also work with telecommunication companies to identify and report any suspicious activity.


In conclusion, sim boxing is a risky and illegal practice that can have significant consequences for individuals and companies. It is important to understand the risks associated with sim boxes and take necessary steps to protect yourself and your business from potential legal and financial consequences.

Active Directory Penetration Testing

I had several clients come to me before a pentest and say they think they’re in a good shape because their vulnerability scan shows no critical vulnerabilities and that they’re ready for a pentest, which then leads me to getting domain administrator in few hours by just exploiting misconfigurations in AD.

The goal of a penetration test is to identify any possible attack vector an adversary would use in order to compromise a network. It is not to get domain administrator.

Now that we have a goal, there’s several steps we follow in order to accomplish it, below

What is AD?

Active Directory is a service from Microsoft which are being used to manage the services run by the Windows Server, in order to provide permissions and access to network resources. Active Directory is used over 90% of the Fortune Companies in order to manage the resources efficiently.

Active Directory is just like a phone book where we treat information as objects. In Active Directory we have objects like Computers, Users, Printers, etc. Following are some of the components of Active Directory.

Domain Controller

Domain Controller is generally the Admin of the Active Directory that is used to set up the whole directory. The role of Domain Controller is to provide Authentication and Authorization to different services and users. Domain Controller also allows administrative access to manage user account and network resources. In Active Directory the Domain Controller has the topmost priority and has most Authority/privileges.

Active Directory Data Store

An Active Directory Data Store contains Database files and process that store and manages directory information for users, services, and applications. The active Directory Data Store contains “NTDS.DIT” file which the most critical file of the whole AD.

 It is stored in the “%SystemRoot%\NTDS” folder on all domain controllers. This NTDS.DIT file is only accessible only through DC Process and Protocols.

Logical Active Directory Components

The following are the components that an Active Directory Data Store contains that defines rules to create an object in an AD environment.


A Domain is used to group objects together and manage them. The domain provides an Authentication and Authorization boundary that provides a way to limit the scope of access to the resources of that domain. Consider as a domain.


Trees are generally groups of the Domains in the Active Directory environment. Trees are used to share the contiguous namespace with the parent domain. Trees can additionally have child domains. By default, Trees create Transitive trust with other domains.


Here in the image above redteamlabs is the main domain and us., and au. represent the trees from different locations. Ca is for Canada, us is for united states.


Forest is said to be the collection of the Trees. Forest shares the common schema between its branches. The configuration remains the same in the partition of the branches of Forest. Trust between all domains is maintained in the forest. They are likely to share the Enterprise Admin and Schema Admin Concepts.

Organizational Units

Organizational Units are often referred to as OU. Organizational Units are Active Directory containers that generally contain user groups, Computers, and other OU. OU represents your computer organization in a hierarchically and logically way. OU is used to manage a collection of the object in a consistent way. Organizational Units are being bound to delegate the permissions to the Administrator Group of Object.


Trust can be defined as access between the resources in order to gain permission/access to resources in another domain. Trust in Active Directory are generally of two types:

Lab set up

Setup an Active Directory (small) lab for penetration testing. I will go through step-by-step procedure to build an Active Directory lab for testing purposes.

$ Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false ` -DatabasePath “C:\Windows\NTDS” ` -DomainMode “Win2012R2” ` -DomainName “server1.hacklab.local” ` -DomainNetbiosName “server1” `  -ForestMode “Win2012R2” `  -InstallDns:$true `  -LogPath “C:\Windows\NTDS” `  -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false `  -SysvolPath “C:\Windows\SYSVOL” `  -Force:$true

In this section, we have some levels, the first level is reconnaissance your network. every user can enter a domain by having an account in the domain controller (DC).

All this information is just gathered by the user that is an AD user. In the username, there are two parts that first is the domain name and the second part is your username.